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Frontline Network Annual Conference - 29th June 2023

Frontline Network Annual Conference - 29th June 2023

Frontline Network Annual Conference - 29th June 2023

Thursday, June 29, 2023

”…in my role I often feel isolated and alone and knowing there is a group that is listening to our concerns helps "- Frontline Worker

This year, our Frontline Network Annual Conference will continue its focus on the theme of Working Together and within this, focus on the sub theme of ‘Strength in Community’.

Book your place for free here.

At St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity, we firmly believe in working collaboratively with people and organisations across the UK. Working across different settings and sectors strengthens how we share best practice, insights and learning.

We recognise the profound impact sustained funding cuts, Covid-19 and the ongoing cost of living crisis is having on people experiencing homelessness, frontline staff and organisations across the UK. Working as a community strengthens our effectiveness and resilience as we strive to affect change together. It can increase support where it is most needed and remind us that we are not alone in our experience.

There is a Network that is listening to your concerns – there is a community wanting to support you.

This year, our session themes draw on the insights raised by 1,182 frontline staff across the UK through our recent Frontline Worker Survey. Tickets are free and open to all. Our event will offer opportunities to hear about UK-wide approaches; to support learning and develop your networks. We will again offer an online, choice-based event, so you can attend a time that works for you. All sessions will be recorded and added to our Frontline Network website after.

We hope you will be able to join us on Thursday 29thJune and we look forward to sharing further details about our event with you shortly.

Find out more and book your place here!

To stay in touch with the Frontline Network and be the first to hear  when registration for the conference opens – sign up to our newsletter here.  

Many thanks,

The Frontline Network Team



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