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Pan-London Migrant Homelessness Learning Symposium

Pan-London Migrant Homelessness Learning Symposium

Pan-London Migrant Homelessness Learning Symposium

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Immigration issues add another layer of complexity to the already challenging issues of homelessness.

The Migrant Homelessness Learning Symposium is a Frontline Network event that brings together those working on migrant homelessness to share and learn from each other on the challenges we face.

There are no panel sessions and no key-note speakers; the experts in this area are you. Each learning session will be facilitated by a specialist who will guide & inform the discussions while participants are invited to share issues and experiences from their frontline work.

Attendees can register for 3 learning sessions which include:

  • Safeguarding Homeless Migrants - led by Lou Calvey & Tracey Hamer of Safer Foundations
  • Using the Homelessness Escalations Service - led by UKVI Homelessness Escalations Team
  • Challenging Asylum Support Accommodation - led by Action for Refugees in Lewisham
  • Assisting Those With No Legal Representation - led by Right to Remain
  • Approaches to Co-production with Service Users - led by Praxis
  • How Do We Talk About Migrant Homelessness? Thoughts in the lead-up to a general election - led by Sophie Boobis of Homeless Link
  • Avoiding Burn Out in the Hostile Environment - led by Brett Grellier of Brett Grellier Psychology Services

Full details available upon registration.

The day will also include an opportunity to network and meet colleagues in the sector. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN IN-PERSON EVENT ONLY. IT WILL NOT BE LIVESTREAMED.

Lunch will be provided.

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