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Coventry Frontline Network training - Stress, Vicarious Trauma & Wellbeing

Coventry Frontline Network training - Stress, Vicarious Trauma & Wellbeing

Coventry Frontline Network training - Stress, Vicarious Trauma & Wellbeing

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Coventry Frontline Network is pleased to offer funded training delivered by Homeless Link, on Stress, Vicarious Trauma and Managing Wellbeing.

This course aims to develop emotional resilience amongst staff by exploring stress, compassion fatigue, burnout, and vicarious trauma, and develop strategies and techniques for managing self-care, emotional wellbeing and supporting others safely.

The online training will be run on Zoom as three modules of 1.5 hours:

  • 09:30-11:00 – Module 1
  • 12:00-13:30 – Module 2
  • 14:30-16:00 – Module 3


Who is this course for?

This course is made for teams in homelessness and supported housing. It works well for both frontline staff and managers. Our session is aimed at frontline workers and first-line managers.

What will you learn?

Through this course, you will learn how to:

  • Explain the symptoms and impact of stress, both psychologically and physiologically
  • Define and identify signs of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Vicarious Trauma, understanding their causes
  • Identify personal and professional stress triggers across various environments
  • Understand the significance of reactive and proactive self-care practice
  • Recognise unhelpful thinking patterns (Cognitive Distortions) in themselves and others
  • Learn stress management techniques and empathy practices
  • Understand how to reduce the risk of emotional contagion, burnout, and trauma when supporting others
  • Reflect on the importance of professional boundaries



If you have any access requirements relating to sight, please let us know so that we can ensure you can access the training comfortably.

Please be aware that delegates must have the following to access the training session online:

• Have Zoom successfully downloaded to your desktop computer, laptop or tablet. You must not use your smart phone to watch this training.

• Please make sure your device has working sound, a mic and camera ahead of the training.



As this training is funded by the Coventry Frontline Network, preference will be given to agencies working in Coventry and the Midlands. Places may be limited to 2 per organisation to ensure a range of agencies can access this training. Please try and coordinate this within your agency if possible; if you aren't able to do this, we may need to contact you after booking to discuss the allocation of places.


The St Martin’s Frontline Network supports workers across the UK from the public, statutory and voluntary sectors who work on the frontline with people experiencing homelessness.

The network is free to join, and we offer training, funding and other resources for frontline workers. Find out more at www.frontlinenetwork.org.uk

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