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Frontline Network Wales August Meet Ups

Frontline Network Wales August Meet Ups

Frontline Network Wales August Meet Ups

Friday, August 23, 2024

The work of frontline homelessness and housing support staff is extremely skilled and challenging. During Frontline Network Wales meetings it has been repeatedly heard that high pressure, increasing complexity and insufficient resources, recognition and support is leading to staff burnout. 

Rachel Johnson, based at Cardiff University, is conducting research to understand what factors predict staff wellbeing and which factors may predict burnout. She hopes that this research will help inform how best to support
staff working in homelessness. Rachel will be joining the next round of Frontline Network Wales meet-ups to outline this research and offer the opportunity to contribute.

What will happen at these meet-ups?

The meetings will be fairly informal, but here's a rough idea of what will happen:

  • Rachel will deliver a presentation about the research into burnout she is working on
  • You will be able to feed in your views using the Slido app
  • You will also be able to share your views verbally during the meeting
  • Following the meeting you will be invited to complete the research survey which will build the evidence for supporting frontline worker wellbeing 

Who is invited to these meet-ups?
These meet-ups are open to frontline homelessness and housing support staff working in third sector organisations, housing associations and local authorities in Wales. These meetings are specifically for frontline staff, not managers. The aim is to create a space for frontline staff to be able to speak openly and honestly about their views and experiences - and we ask that managers respect this and do not attend.

Due to the nature of the research, we are also welcoming frontline workers from Northern Ireland, England and Scotland to join this round of meet-ups.

What's on?

  • Housing Benefit 101

    Housing Benefit 101

    A webinar providing an introduction to Housing Benefit for accommodation service providers.