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Early Release and Homelessness: What does the London voluntary sector need to know and what can it do?
Early Release and Homelessness: What does the London voluntary sector need to know and what can it do?
Early Release and Homelessness: What does the London voluntary sector need to know and what can it do?
- Thursday 5 September
- 12.30pm to 2pm
- Online
- Book your place here
Clinks and Homeless Link are working together in partnership to deliver this online event which will outline the new SDS40 policy that the Government has introduced and the impact that it will have on the homelessness and wider voluntary sector and people leaving prison over the coming months.
SDS40 is the acronym for the new policy which will reduce the time served in prison for certain people currently serving Standard Determinate Sentences (SDS) from 50% of their sentence to 40%. This is a temporary measure to address the ongoing overcrowding crisis in prisons, and will be reviewed in 18 months time. You can read more about this policy change here.
There are growing concerns from the homelessness and wider voluntary sector on what that means for resettlement planning and the inevitable heightened risk of homelessness, particularly with the first tranche of releases scheduled for 10th September. Join this session to hear the latest updates regarding this policy, to hear from our voluntary sector coordinator working at HMP Isis to share detail on what is happening from a prison perspective, our London Development Officer who will explore the services and support available and Jeremy White from Homeless Link who will lead the discussion on how homelessness services can work in partnership with statutory and other voluntary agencies in London to respond to this emerging situation.
What's on?
Complex Needs, Dual Diagnosis and Personality Disorder Training
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Introduction to Support Options for No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) Training
Half-day online introductory course for frontline workers based in England on support options for clients with NRPF
Universal Credit and Vulnerable People: The Tricky Bits Training
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Universal Credit and Vulnerable People: The Tricky Bits Training
Half-day online training delivered by BGPS looking at supporting homeless clients through the UC system.
Introduction to Support Options for No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) Training
Half-day online introductory course for frontline workers based in England on support options for clients with NRPF
Complex Needs, Dual Diagnosis and Personality Disorder Training
Full day online training delivered by Homeless Link for frontline workers based in the United Kingdom.
Housing Benefit 101
A webinar providing an introduction to Housing Benefit for accommodation service providers.
How do we navigate the emotional complexity of endings?
Join Platfform for short online session looking at navigating ending relations with clients.
Motivational Interviewing Training
Full day online training for UK-based frontline workers to increase positive engagement with the people they support.
Quarterly Reflective Space for Outreach Workers
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Early Release and Homelessness: What does the London voluntary sector need to know and what can it do?
Online session looking at impact of early release and the London voluntary sector.