Effective Partnership Working on the Frontline
Effective Partnership Working on the Frontline
In April 2022 the Frontline Network ran two webinars on the theme of Effective Partnership Working. The session themes were drawn from issues highlighted by frontline workers in response to the 2021 Frontline Network Annual Survey and we heard about best practice from across the UK.
Effective Partnership Working with the Private Rented Sector
A session focussing on innovation and best practice in accessing PRS accommodation for people experiencing homelessness.
In July 2020, Cyrenians, Crisis and Streetwork began a ‘Private Rented Sector pilot’, funded by the Scottish Government. The pilot is designed to support people in temporary accommodation into private rental accommodation through financial support, partnerships with private renters, and ongoing support for tenants. This was borne out of a need to rapidly find housing for the growing numbers of people in temporary accommodation in Edinburgh, a crisis heightened by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
We are joined by Viki Fox from Cyrenians, former manager of the PRS Pilot Scheme; James Mullaney, Senior Best Practice Officer and Sam Gajewski, Landlord Liaison Officer from Crisis Edinburgh's Help to Rent scheme; Paul Harris, Progression Manager with Crisis in Merseyside and Sarah Walters, Head of Best Practice at Crisis.
Partnership Working with Statutory Services - Best Practice and Overcoming Barriers
The pandemic has highlighted the importance of agencies working in partnership to provide effective services. This session will focus on some examples of where Frontline Services are building on essential relationships with DWP, Jobcentre and Adults Social Care, through Homelessness Forums and Frontline Networks.
We are joined by Zoë Titchener from the Coventry Frontline Network and Donna Willison from Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde Frontline Network about how they are working closely with statutory sector agencies in their area. As a result of closer links and specific points of contact, frontline workers have been able to flag issues directly to decision-makers and the DWP, resulting in issues being addressed quicker and barriers to good working relationships have been reduced.