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2022 Frontline Worker Survey: Report

2022 Frontline Worker Survey: Report

2022 Frontline Worker Survey: Report

Every year St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity undertakes a survey of frontline staff across the UK who support people experiencing homelessness.

Listening to lived and frontline experience is crucial to addressing homelessness. As we face significant challenges such as the cost of living crisis, it is important that these insights are heard and can help shape future policy and practice.

We publish our Frontline Worker Survey findings and present them to decision makers. This includes submitting survey data in response to government consultations and calls for evidence related to homelessness. We also use the findings to inform our own Frontline Network activities, including our training offer and the theme and design of our annual conference.

Read more about how we amplify insights from frontline staff.

2022 Frontline Worker Survey Results

1,182 frontline workers from across the United Kingdom took part in the latest Frontline Worker Survey over a three-week period in November - December 2022.

We have published a series of reports to explore the findings.  

Get involved:

We call on decision makers to review the learning shared via the Frontline Worker Survey and respond to insights from frontline and lived experiences of homelessness. Please get in touch to discuss these findings and how they can be taken forward further: frontline@stmartinscharity.org.uk.

If you are a frontline worker - thank you for taking the time to share your expertise and experiences. We offer funding, community and resources to support you in your work - sign up to our e-newsletter to stay in touch and hear updates from the Network!