News and Views
In response to the welcome recent unfreezing of Local Housing Allowance, frontline workers are sharing the three key steps that need to be taken next in the fight against homelessness.
End Furniture Poverty is has published a report looking at local authority spending on local welfare schemes and examining how they have spent their allocation of the Household Support Fund.
Homeless Link are looking for volunteers from frontline homelessness services to write a case study of what it's like to work in specific roles.
Praxis, of the Pan-London Migrant Frontline Network, hosted an event with the GLA and Chartered Institute of Housing to discuss the impact of Streamlined Asylum Processing on the refugee community.
Pathway’s first survey of the Faculty for Homeless and Inclusion Health members is now open, hoping to learn as much as possible about your work, methods, challenges, and successes.
Our partners Cyrenians share learnings from the nation-wide 'All in for Change' collaboration, which is working to end homelessness in Scotland by helping close the gap between policy and action.