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News and Views

News and Views

Here’s the latest news about homelessness and for frontline workers.

If you have a story to share here, please email frontline@stmartinscharity.org.uk.

News and Views

Frontline Network leads from across the UK came together on March 19th to share updates, discuss challenges and collaborate on strategies to combat homelessness, highlighting local initiatives and...
The 2024 Leeds Women's Rough Sleeping Census, contributed to by Leeds Women's Frontline Network facilitator, Basis Yorkshire.
SHIFT is a free, 10-month leadership development programme launched by the Museum of Homelessness, offering trauma-conscious coaching, intensives and resources for frontline workers
This four-part online training programme by Homeless Link equips frontline workers and managers with tools to enhance resilience and wellbeing, addressing stress, trauma, priorities, and boundaries...
We want to hear from homelessness frontline workers across the UK. Respond to our survey today.
A UK-first trial, supported by St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity, is testing this innovative approach - challenging assumptions and showing promising results.