Northern Ireland Frontline Network
Northern Ireland Frontline Network
Homeless Connect* facilitate our Frontline Network Northern Ireland. This is a regional network, led by frontline workers and designed around their needs. The Northern Ireland Frontline Network launched in 2021.
The Network has already taken the opportunity to amplify frontline workers’ voices by feeding into the Housing Executive’s Supporting People (SP) Strategy 2022-2025. The SP Programme is one of the key funding streams for the homelessness sector in Northern Ireland, worth £72.8 million annually. The Network submitted a consultation response, sharing evidence gathered through the Annual Frontline Worker Survey and a further local survey asking network members for their insights on relevant points of the strategy. The response advocated for further resources to enable staff to better support people facing homelessness:
“Service providers in the homelessness sector are under enormous pressure at the current time […] We implore SP to do everything in its power to find a way to get more resources.” - Consultation Response to the Supporting People Strategy 2022-2025.
Sign up to the Northern Ireland Frontline Network e-news to keep up to date with their work here.
*Homeless Connect’ is the working name of ‘Council for the Homeless (Northern Ireland)’, registered charity in Northern Ireland (charity number 103325).
“Since 1983 Homeless Connect has been tackling homelessness by acting as an umbrella body for organisations working with people who find themselves homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless. We support the sector by helping to shape government policy, providing quality training and taking on the preventable causes of homelessness.”