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Frontline Network Wales

Frontline Network Wales

Frontline Network Wales

The Frontline Network Wales has been facilitated by Cymorth Cymru since 2020.

The Network has hosted regular online meetings across Wales, listening to the views of frontline staff on different topics. The focus of these events has ranged from discussing changes to the work environment as COVID restrictions eased to asking how recruitment and retention in the sector can be improved.

Emerging reports and recommendations have subsequently been shared with government, commissioners and services. For example frontline workers’ insights have fed directly into the Welsh Government’s new task and finish groups set up to develop a workforce training, development and recognition framework for the sector. At times, Members of the Senedd have also joined Network events, for example to explore priorities for the government’s upcoming term.

“Frontline Network Wales participants have genuinely influenced policy this year - gaining recognition and securing support for themselves and their peers.” - Katie Dalton, Director of Cymorth Cymru

Frontline Network Wales facilitates quarterly events, which provide a regular opportunity to bring together frontline workers throughout Wales to network, share expertise, and experience, and link to decision makers.

Cymorth Cymru is the representative body for providers of homelessness, housing and support services in Wales.

Find out more about Frontline Network Wales and how to get involved.

You can also join the mailing list to receive updates here.

Recent report- Frontline Network Wales


The Welsh Government has recently consulted on a White Paper for new homelessness legislation in Wales. The proposed legislation looks to reform the homelessness system in Wales, to ensure better access to services, housing and support and work toward Wales’s goal of Ending Homelessness. This White Paper was drafted following a year-long review from a panel of experts who closely considered the viewpoints from a variety of stakeholders, including frontline workers. The expertise from frontline workers in Wales has shaped a large proportion of the panel recommendations which were then taken on by the Welsh Government.

In December Cymorth Cymru held a round of Frontline Network Wales meet-ups, where we delivered a presentation on the White Paper and gathered feedback from frontline workers. In January we submitted a response to the White Paper from the Frontline Network Wales. Please see here for the White Paper on Ending Homelessness in Wales.

'Struggles from the frontline- the impact of the cost of living crisis on frontline homelessness and housing support workers in Wales'- Research published by Cymorth Cymru has shone a light on the shocking impact of the cost of living crisis on frontline homelessness and housing support workers in Wales. Evidence from over 720 frontline workers has revealed the huge financial pressures they are facing as they provide critical support to tens of thousand of people across the country.