All in for Change
All in for Change
All in for Change is an inclusive programme using a collaborative approach to end homelessness in Scotland. The programme is driven by a Change Team of people from across Scotland - experts in what homelessness looks like on the ground, for those most affected by it. The team, made up of Change Leads, bring together diverse knowledge from people with recent experience of homelessness and those working in a frontline role.
The Change Team’s recent work to influence change in Scotland has included:
- Meeting with Paul McLennan MSP, Minister for Housing, to discuss shared priorities and how we can best work together to tackle the challenges in the sector
- Feeding into and shaping recommendations by two dedicated Task & Finish groups focused on reducing the number of people in temporary accommodation (Link) and implementation of new homelessness prevention duties in Scotland (Link)
- Contributing to the evidence base of the National Collaborative on people’s experience of substance use and human rights (Link)
As part of our national conversation in 2022, we also hosted workshops and focus groups across Scotland with frontline workers and people accessing homelessness services. You can read our report on progress towards ending homelessness in Scotland here (Link), or check out our regular briefings and reports to the Scottish Government’s Homelessness Prevention Strategy Group here.
We’re planning another round of workshops in early 2024 so watch this space!
Find out more by exploring the information below.
We were formed as a result of the Ending Homelessness Together Plan (2018) which included recommendations to end homelessness in Scotland and involve lived experience in policy development.
We use easy language and a very informal working approach to bridge the gap between policy, planning, and action on the ground.
We are represented on the Scottish Government’s Homelessness Prevention Strategy Group (HPSG) where we are invited to present a report outlining our learning and knowledge from the ground.
The programme is led by 3 organisations: Cyrenians, Homeless Network Scotland and Scottish Community Development Centre. Each organisation brings different expertise to help deliver the work, and the programme is underpinned by the principle of co-production.
Hear the Change Leads tell you about the Change Team in their own words...
4 New Directions to End Homelessness
Our work is guided by what we call our 4 New Directions which are the recommendations from the Ending Homelessness Together Plans (2018, 2020) condensed into 4 clear, accessible messages.
Our 4 new directions are:
- People First – Taking a more person-centred approach to supporting the social, mental and physical wellbeing of individuals, giving people more choice and control
- At Home – Everyone has a right to settled, good quality, mainstream housing as quickly as possible
- No Wrong Door – Stronger coordinated working between different services, with clearer pathways for those most at risk and no-one being turned away
- Good Vibes – Focusing on people’s strength’s and abilities, creating positive environments in our services and helping others to understand and be compassionate about people going through tough times
An evaluation was carried out in 2023 to explore the impact of All in for Change on individual Change Leads and the wider sector. The evaluation included survey data collected regularly throughout the programme, and qualitative interviews with Change Leads and external partners working in homelessness policy who had engaged with the Change Team.
Contributing to policy development and culture change
The Change Team has been directly involved in policy development in Scotland by working closely with Scottish Government and being involved in a range of working groups.
“It’s not a box ticking exercise. Every time we’re working on a new policy, the Change Team are part of that. It’s becoming embedded in a lot of our work.” (policy officer)
“Engaging with the Change Team has allowed me to help us understand the difference between active engagement with a particular demographic versus public engagement, which is a far more generic thing. And we’ve seen organisational change as a result.” (policy officer)
Both Change Leads and policy officers indicated that the Change Team has helped break down barriers and reduce the divide between people working in policy and people with lived and frontline experience.
Impact on Change Leads
The programme has also had a positive impact on individual Change Leads. Some Change Leads mentioned how being part of All in for Change has improved their confidence.
“People trust you and have faith in what you have to say is so important to me due to my past experiences, as at times in my life I never had trust or faith in myself, it’s a great feeling.” (Change Lead)
For Change Lead working in the sector, being part of the Team has given them the opportunity to advocate on behalf of the people they support and feel empowered to share their views.
“I felt the change team were a great sounding board for me and gave me the confidence to bring up new ideas at work.” (Change Lead)