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About Us

About Us

About Us

Aims of the Frontline Network

• Create a space for frontline workers to share experience and expertise
• Provide resources for frontline workers which enable them to reach better outcomes for their clients
• Highlight best practice within the sector
• Ensure the voices of frontline workers are heard by funders and decision-makers.

Our Approach

St Martin’s set up the Frontline Network to build relationships, share best practice, develop solutions and communicate the experience and views of the frontline. We recognised that there was more that we could do to amplify the voices of frontline workers and support further opportunities for staff to develop creative, solution-focused ideas. This was in direct response to a high number of applications for crisis grants via our Vicar’s Relief Fund (VRF).

The VRF provides small crisis grants of up to £350 to support people who are at risk of, or currently, experiencing homelessness or are vulnerably housed, to establish and maintain their tenancies. Types of applications include funding to secure accommodation and to clear rent arrears following an eviction notice.